EVS (European volunteer service)
Volunteer service with FAR
Since 1999 FAR has been sending volunteers to other European countries (especially Germany) and at the same time is hosting volunteers in Burgas. During the first years the volunteer exchange has been coordinated and promoted by the “Robert Bosch Foundation”.
Since 2007 FAR is accredited as a sending and hosting organisation for the European Volunteer Service. The European Volunteer Service is part of the “Youth-in-action-Program” of the European Commission. 2007 FAR hosted the first volunteer with this program.
FAR as a hosting organisation
FAR offers young dedicated people from Germany the possibility to do their European Volunteer Service for one year at their association. The volunteers get the chance to get to know Bulgaria, the Bulgarian language and culture and to look into the work of the association and the situation of non-formal education in Bulgaria. FAR supports the volunteer during the course of the year and profits from the intercultural exchange and the new ideas, which are associated with the service.
FAR as a sending organisation
Until now FAR has not yet sent volunteers with the European Volunteer Service program, but is open to applicants and project partners. FAR offers young dedicated Bulgarians the chance to do their European Volunteer Service in another European country and thereby get to know another country and to have an absolute unique experience there.
In 2009 FAR sent a volunteer to France, though not with the European Volunteer Service program but with a German volunteer project. Therefore at present Emine Haka, a young Bulgarian from Ljuljakovo, a village nearby Burgas, is doing her volunteer service in Niederbronn-les-Bains in France at the “Initiative Chretienne pour l’Europe – Reseau francophone”. She’s working in an organisation that cares for handicapped persons.
More information on the various projects and about the application is available on request.