Previous projects
Previous projects by FAR
1995-2009 “Bulgarian-German school magazine workshop”
In cooperation with the academy for political education Haus am Maiberg, Heppenheim Germany
The oldest established project of FAR and the beginning of the cooperation with Haus am Maiberg. A “magazine workshop” for young German and Bulgarian journalists takes place on a biennial basis (one year in Germany and the next in Bulgaria) and focuses on current socio-political topics.
1998 – 2001 „Establishment and consolidation of the FAR-Club-Youth-Center for Civic Education“
Macro project „Democracy Programme Phare und Tacis“ of the European Commission in cooperation with the academy for political education Haus am Maiberg, Heppenheim, Germany
The project aimed at establishing a free institution for non-formal youth education in Bulgaria. The project included 50 national, bilateral and multinational seminars on socio-political topics in which more than 1000 Bulgarian youths participated.
1999 – 2004 „Youth renews community“
A Robert Bosch Foundation Programme to promote youth voluntary services between Germany and Central and Eastern Europe
Exchange of volunteers between the academy for political and social education Haus am Maiberg and the association FAR. A total of six Bulgarian youths worked in Haus am Maiberg and three young Germans in the association FAR as volunteers.
2002 „Active and motivated“
German-Bulgarian youth encounters as part of the programme Action 1 of ‘Youth for Europe’
German youths visited the Burgas region and experienced the difficulties of voluntary dedication in Bulgaria. After that Bulgarian students visited Germany and learned about the diversity of young people’s dedication and its high significance in a democratic society.
2002 – 2003 „Measures for political education in South Eastern Europe“
Financed in cooperation with U.G. for peace pedagogy D@dalos, Sarajevo, and means of the stability pact of the Department for Foreign Affairs
- A five-month project including activities on political education for youths and teachers with a total of 100 participants.
- Balkan Youth Camp 2003 in Kiten, Bulgaria with youths from Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania. The thematic emphasis was the current problems of the young democracies in South Eastern Europe.
- „Local Political Education“
- Seminars were held on the topics minorities, human rights, democracy for different target groups (students, school headmasters). Furthermore five multiplicators for political education were trained in another seminar.
2002 – 2003 – 2004 „Creating community I and II“
In cooperation with the academy for political education Haus am Maiberg, Heppenheim Germany
Learning opportunities for youths on socio-political topics like media, tolerance and minorities and young people’s rights.
April – December 2005 „A new communication and learning culture“
In cooperation with the academy for political education Haus am Maiberg, Heppenheim Germany
Internal seminars for youths, pedagogues and NGOs representatives with the aim to form the participants with new communicative and social competences.
September 2003 – July 2005 „GILE – Intercultural learning in Europe for people of all ages“
Under the coordination of the ministry of political science Thüringen, Germany,
Involved nations: Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Latvia
International seminars for people of all generations to promote life-long learning. People of different ages and distinct cultural and social backgrounds exchange individual perspectives and knowledge about social changes and developments in Europe.
February 2004 – May 2004 „Project work at school“
Non-formal participation for the consolidation of the school representatives, school journal „YO-YO“ and the Europe club, recently founded by the students of the Goethe school, Burgas.
February 2004 – March 2006 „I.M.PACT Training programme for EDC projects in SEE“
In cooperation with the “KulturKontakt”, Austria
Involved countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Moldavia, Romania, Serbia
Development of a training concept for political education in South Eastern Europe including the training of trainers and following seminars.
June 2004 – December 2005 „Teaching politics in SEE“
In cooperation with the association for peace pedagogy D@dalos, Sarajevo
- Follow-up meeting in 2004 in Sarajevo for the participants of the international combined study course 2003. The emphasis was laid on the continuation of the work on the development of methods, exchanging experiences among the diploma holders and the consolidation of the created network in South Eastern Europe.
- Balkan Youth camp summer 2004 on the topic: „The European Union and the Eastern Enlargement“ with students from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Romania. The aims were to reduce prejudices, develop contacts and friendships as well as the provocation of a critical examination of the democratization process.
- Three successive activities of the combined study course „Teaching politics in SEE“ for participants (teachers and representatives of NGOs) from Bulgaria and Romania. The focus of the work was on advanced training for teachers in the field of democracy formation in the new acceding countries.
- Balkan youth camp summer 2005 about the topic „Diversity in the Balkan States and in Europe“ with students from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Romania, who discussed about the cultures and the understanding of politics in their countries.
- „Political education in practice“
- an international conference on political education for the tenth anniversary celebration of the association (in October) with presentations of the partner organisations and discussions about the role of political educations in countries like Bulgaria
- seminars for youths and adults (advanced training for teachers)
2005 – „New learning and communication culture“
Offering of a forum for the exchange and formation of a new learning and communication culture for the people in the Burgas region.
2006 – Project „Integration processes East-West“
In cooperation with the academy for political education Haus am Maiberg, Heppenheim Germany
This project gave the opportunity for the transfer of reciprocal knowledge. The focus was laid on the transfer from East to West contrary to the current tendency from West to East.
November 2006 – April 2007 Bridgeover project “Bulgaria on the cusp of the EU“
In cooperation with the academy for political education Haus am Maiberg, Heppenheim Germany; aided by Renovabis
Seminars for youths and adults on socio-political topics like Christian values, tolerance, ethics, European community
May 2007- May 2009 – Project „Bulgaria in the EU“
In cooperation with the academy for political education Haus am Maiberg, Heppenheim Germany; aided by Renovabis
Seminars for the youth and adults on socio-political topics such as democracy in schools, development associations, Europe before the elections, politics, aggression, communication, minorities and ethnic groups, problems of the Roma, Christianity and tradition